The consequences are not cosmetic and have started showing a long time ago. It is essential for us to take well-planned measures for the conservation of biodiversity. Not just take measures but actually enforce them.
Especially people living in urban areas need to take care of the fast disappearing vegetation and forest. The concept of Global warming is not alien to us. And it is our responsibility towards our planet to maintain what we have, reverse these adverse changes that we are facing. Let’s have a look at few tips on how urbanites of metro cities can conserve nature.
Conservation of Water: Water is an imminent natural resource. And need not to mention were are facing severe scarcity of water in many parts of our country. Monsoons are not sufficient and in some places geographically we receive low rainfall. This creates a need to converse water and use it wisely. Rainwater harvesting is a widely used method to store water at ground level. Many tower building in urban areas uses rainwater harvesting. That becomes a collective method. But on an individual level you can definitely do your bit. Taking shorter showers and using buckets instead of a shower for bathing. Make sure that you’re not keeping taps running while doing dishes. Avoid using washing machines on a daily basis and do it twice or at the max thrice a week.
Conserve Biodiversity: Deforestation goes on a large scale for various reasons. The demand and use for paper create more chances for deforestation. Avoid using paper in your daily tasks. Develop a habit of reading e-newspaper instead of subscribing for a daily newspaper. Use cloth bags instead of paper. While writing too, make proper use of the paper instead of starting afresh on a new page every time. While printing on new paper consider double side printing. Carpooling is a great way to avoid exorbitant use of fuels. And in turn, preserving the fuels for future use. Also does it help in pollution control.
Use of electricity: It is necessary that we use this resource sparingly, Its excessive use can be easily avoided by taking a few steps. Make sure that you turn off lights, fans, AC’s whenever you leave the room or place. Make use of fluorescent bulbs and light that consume less energy. Opt for solar energy wherever possible. That’s a renewable resource we have in abundance and can be used for many electrical gadgets.
All the above-mentioned tips can be easily incorporated in our daily lives. Hence, preserving these precious non-renewable resources is necessary for the survival of humankind.